「日常生活の行動学: プロセス・プロジェクト Vol. 1」 / Daily Life Behavioral Studies: Process Project Vol. 1

フラワーコーヒー / Flower Coffee Brew Bar, 茅ヶ崎 / Chigasaki, Japan

2人展 / Two Person Exhibition
観察者 / Observer: 平尾菜美 Nami Hirao; 被験者 / Subject: アーサー ・ファン Arthur Huang

2019年8月1日 - 17日 / August 1–17, 2019

自身の日常の行動や、記憶を記録することを制作方法と考えるアーサーファンと平尾菜美の美術家2 人による2018 年に立ち上げたプロジェクトです。作品の完成形に至る経過やプロセスを重要視し、実験的な活動や発表形態を探っています。

写真: 菜美平尾

The Process Project was launched in 2018 by two artists, Nami Hirao and Arthur Huang, for both of whom, the documentation and exploration of everyday activities and memories play a central role in their individual studio practice. Rather than thinking about process as working towards a finished work, the two artists are interested in the possibilities that process can offer in terms of experimentation and presentation. For this two person exhibition, Nami Hirao continues her role as observer of Arthur Huang’s studio process and practice that she began as part of their collaboration for “The Road to (and from) the Museum” exhibition at Chigasaki City Art Museum.

All photos by Nami Hirao, unless noted.