「独走する脳」個展 / The Brain with a Mind of Its Own solo exhibition
Hasu no hana, 東京 / Tokyo, Japan
2019年12月6日 - 18日 / December 6 - 18, 2019


​脳科学の研究者でもあるアーサー・ファンは、日常の些細な出来事を記憶するプロセスや、記憶が変化していくことに関心を寄せ、 自己の空間位置を認識する神経細胞である”場所細胞”に関するの論文から着想した『散歩記憶プロジェクト』(2012年〜)など、サイエンスとアートの垣根を越えた活動をするアーティストです。


『 散歩記憶プロジェクト』(2012年〜)




Hasu no hana will present Arthur Huang’s second solo exhibition “A Brain with a Mind of Its Own”at the gallery from December 6 - 18, 2019. His first solo exhibition at Hasu no hana was “My Everyday LIfe” in December 2016. 

Arthur Huang, an artist and molecular biologist working in neuroscience, records various mundane everyday activities and explores the changes that occur in his memory of those activities. His studio practice is based within the spectrum of science and art looking to expand those boundaries. Arthur Huang has been working on three ongoing projects in recent years dealing with various aspects of everyday life.

“Memory Walks Project” (from 2012) This project was inspired by the discovery and ongoing research in neuroscience on place cells which are part of the spatial memory circuitry. Since 2012, he has been keeping track of his departure points for all his daily walks. Drawing upon his episodic memory at a later date, he uses this information to create memory maps on various medium including eggshells, styrofoam balls, and acrylic discs

“Daily Drawings Project” (from 2015) He has been making drawings during his commute on trains, subways, and buses almost everyday. The drawings are not preconceived and made intuitively during his commute. These works are the product and record of influences from his procedural and sensory memories. 

“Memories’ Remnants Collage Project” (from 2018) With this most recent project, Arthur Huang makes collages from paper and other products such as envelopes, wrappers, and flyers before they make their way to recycling or the trash. These collages are created everyday and combine aspects of explicit and implicit memories to record his everyday activities.

For his “The Brain with a Mind of Its Own” solo exhibition at Hasu no hana, he will analyze various information about and the works from all these projects to explore the relationships between the projects as well as their relationship to his everyday activities. 

He begins by asking some basic questions - “What do these works mean?”,“What are the influences in making these works?” and “Why did I make these works?” - and sees where it takes him. There are no easy answers, but through these explorations and integration of these seemingly disparate projects, he hopes to push the evolution of his studio practice in new and unexpected directions. This exhibition brings to light works generated by his inner dialogue with his creative process.